The lengths we go for family.

Amidst the loud, garish, Italian-American Christmas festivities of s2 ep6 of The Bear: “Fishes”, a darkly mesmerising – “car crash”, if you’ve watched you’ll get it – psychoanalytic tale unfolds.

Social media – the mental health of teenagers

SOCIAL MEDIA: THE MENTAL HEALTH OF TEENAGERS By Georgia Coates, work experience, Esher college. This blog will look at both sides of the argument and attempt to answer the question: does social media lead to a decline in the mental health of teenagers? Firstly, I feel the largest problem (and the inspiration for this blog) […]

‘Yellowjackets’ and the transformative power of trauma.

The series also explores the psychological concept of power dynamics and their influence on group behavior. As the girls struggle to survive in the wilderness, power struggles and rivalries emerge, leading to conflicts and tensions between the characters. The show highlights the ways in which power dynamics can shape group behavior and lead to destructive outcomes.


I wish what had happened had never happened. But there isn’t a family on the planet that will evade catastrophe or disaster. Out of these unexpected breaks, there will be new opportunities for creativity.

The benefit of not knowing.

The not-knowing position entails a general attitude or stance in which the therapist’s actions communicate an abundant, genuine curiosity.  That is, the therapist’s actions and attitudes express a need to know more about what has been said, rather than convey preconceived opinions and expectations about the client, problem, or what must be changed. 

Deseriderata – Words for Life.

Words for Life. Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. […]

Christmas on the Edge.

Christmas sets the centre on the edge;
The edge of town, the outhouse of the inn,
The fringe of empire, far from privilege
And power, on the edge and outer spin
Of turning worlds, a margin of small stars
That edge a galaxy itself light years
From some unguessed at cosmic origin.
Christmas sets the centre at the edge.

Clothing to hide behind

Have you ever felt – like not wanting to be you, unlike you. Not that you wanted to shrink or hide behind things, people objects and become invisible, but rather to not be there, to feel invisible, to wield yourself differently in order to see what was around you and might bring itself forward, what […]